Healthy Eye Food

Healthy Eye Food

If you’re looking food that promotes healthy eyes, you’ll be glad to know that the same diet that benefits your heart and overall well-being also supports your eyes. Numerous studies suggest that a diet rich in certain nutrients can reduce the risk of eye diseases and support optimal eye health.

Here are fabulous food recommendations for maintaining healthy eyes that everyone should enjoy to eat:

  • Vitamin A-Rich Foods: Vitamin A is crucial for maintaining good vision and preventing conditions like night blindness. Include orange-colored vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, and fruits such as cantaloupe and apricots in your diet.
  • Vitamin C-Rich Foods: Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and helps protect the eyes from harmful free radicals. Citrus fruits like oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, and lemons, as well as other fruits and vegetables like peaches, red bell peppers, tomatoes, and strawberries, are excellent sources of vitamin C.
  • Vitamin E-Rich Foods: Vitamin E is an antioxidant that plays a role in maintaining healthy cells. Include foods such as avocados, almonds, and sunflower seeds in your diet to ensure an adequate intake of this nutrient.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Consuming cold-water fish like salmon, tuna, sardines, halibut, and trout, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, can help reduce the risk of eye diseases and improve tear function.
  • Lutein and Zeaxanthin: These antioxidants protect the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for detailed vision. Leafy green vegetables like kale, spinach, romaine lettuce, collards, turnip greens, broccoli, peas, and eggs are good dietary sources of these nutrients.
  • Zinc and Copper: Zinc is essential for retinal health, while copper is needed for red blood cell formation. Legumes like black-eyed peas, kidney beans, and lima beans provide both zinc and copper. Other sources of zinc include oysters, lean red meat, poultry, and fortified cereals.

While obtaining these nutrients through a well-balanced diet is ideal, individuals with macular degeneration may benefit from supplements as recommended by the Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2). If you or a family member has age-related macular degeneration, consult with an ophthalmologist for personalized guidance.

Adopting a healthy diet that incorporates these recommendations can support your eye health and overall well-being throughout your life.


National Eye Institute. https://www.nei.nih.gov/learn-about-eye-health/healthy-vision/keep-your-eyes-health

American Academy of Ophthalmology https://www.aao.org/eye-health/tips-prevention/fabulous-foods-your-eyes

What To Expect During My LASIK Procedure

What To Expect During My LASIK Procedure

LASIK Procedure Simplified

At Laser Eye Surgery of Erie, we strive to ensure that your LASIK experience is hassle-free and comfortable. Here is a simplified overview of the LASIK procedure

  • Preparation: Our surgery suite is conveniently located within our office. On the day of your procedure, arrange for someone to drive you and plan to spend approximately 1 hour at our office.
  • Relaxation: You will be provided with mild sedation to help you relax before the procedure.
  • Numbing and disinfection: Your eyes will be numbed with anesthetic drops, and Povidone-Iodine will be applied around the eyes to prevent infection.
  • Femtosecond Laser Ring: A specialized ring is placed on your eye, causing temporary black or blurred vision for about 1 minute. This is normal, and you will  also experience a pressure sensation.
  • Flap creation: The IFS Intralase Femtosecond laser is used to create a thin “flap” with a hinge on your cornea. This flap is lifted to allow the laser to reshape the inner corneal tissue.
  • Reshaping the cornea: The Visx STAR 4 excimer laser, programmed specifically for your vision correction needs, is directed onto the exposed inner corneal tissue. The computer-guided laser gently reshapes the cornea.
  • Laser treatment experience: During the excimer laser treatment, you may experience a peculiar smell, see bright lights, and feel a sensation similar to water.
  • Flap replacement: Once the laser treatment is complete, the corneal flap is carefully repositioned to its original place, ensuring proper alignment.
  • Sensations and recovery: Most patients report minimal pressure but no pain during the procedure. Some discomfort may be experienced for a day or two afterward, but this can be managed with prescribed eye drops.
  • Rest and healing: Although some patients experience immediate vision improvement after LASIK, it is recommended to have someone drive you home. Most patients take at least one day for their vision to improve, some longer depending on your glasses prescription, eye health, and  medical conditions.  Resting with closed eyes will aid in the healing process. A follow-up appointment is necessary the following day, so arrange for transportation.

If you have any further questions or wish to schedule your FREE LASIK Consultation, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Additionally, if you are not a suitable candidate for LASIK, our team can evaluate you for PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy), which offers the same excellent results but the procedure performed differently. 




Preventing Eye Injuries Around Fireworks

Preventing Eye Injuries Around Fireworks

The 4th of July is approaching quickly! Not everyone thinks about preventing eye injuries around fireworks, but we all should.  Fireworks bring joy and excitement to celebrations, but they also pose risks, especially when it comes to eye injuries. By taking preventive measures, we can enjoy fireworks safely.  Let’s look at the statistics and learn how to prevent eye injuries caused by fireworks.

Surprising Statistics:

Eye injuries from fireworks can range from burns to complete loss of vision.  In the US, around 19% of the estimated 7,000 fireworks-related injuries during Fourth of July celebrations in 2019 affected the eyes. Surprisingly, about 65% of these injuries happened to bystanders. Studies also show that males, children, and young adults are more prone to eye injuries from fireworks.  Preventing eye injuries around fireworks should be a top priority.  Let’s look at some prevention tips:

Prevention Tips:

  1. Attend public firework displays organized by professionals.
  2. Maintain a safe distance if using fireworks at home.
  3. Wear approved safety glasses or goggles to protect your eyes.
  4. Educate children about firework dangers and closely supervise them.
  5. Respect local laws and regulations on firework usage.

Know How to Treat  Fireworks Eye Injuries:

Fireworks-related eye injuries can combine blunt force trauma, heat burns and chemical exposure. Fireworks can burn at more than 2,000 degrees Farenheit.   The injuries can happen in an instant even and no one is immune to accidents.  An eye injury from fireworks is a medical emergency and immediate treatment is needed.  Here are some tips:

  1. Do not rub your eyes.
  2. Do not rinse your eyes.
  3. Do not apply pressure.
  4. Do not remove any objects that are stuck in the eye.
  5. Do not apply ointments or take any blood-thinning pain medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen unless directed by a doctor.
  6. Go to the Emergence Room as soon as possible.


Fireworks can be enjoyed safely by following preventive measures. By attending professional displays, maintaining a safe distance, wearing eye protection, educating children, and respecting local laws, we can minimize the risk of eye injuries. Let’s celebrate responsibly and keep our eyes safe during fireworks festivities.

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What To Expect During My LASIK Procedure

10 Things You Should Know About LASIK


10 Things You Should Know About LASIK:

1.   Vision Improvement: LASIK is a highly effective procedure that can significantly improve vision, allowing you to reduce or eliminate their dependence on glasses or contact lenses.

2.   Possible Side Effects: While LASIK is generally safe, you may experience temporary side effects such as dry eyes, halos or glare, fluctuating vision, but serious complications can occur.  It is important for you to follow the post-operative instructions.

3.   Quick Recovery: Most LASIK patients experience a relatively quick recovery. Many people notice improved vision within a few hours after the procedure, and the majority can resume normal activities within a day or two.

4.   Pre-existing Eye Conditions: LASIK may not be suitable for you. Patients with certain pre-existing eye conditions, such as cataracts, glaucoma, or severe dry eyes, may not be good candidates for LASIK.

5.   Long-Term Results: LASIK generally provides long-lasting vision correction. While individual results may vary, many patients maintain their improved vision for years or even decades after the procedure.

6.   Enhanced Night Vision: While LASIK can improve vision during the day, you may experience difficulties with night vision, such as halos or glare around lights. 

7.   Convenience: One of the primary benefits of LASIK is the convenience it offers. You may no longer need to worry about carrying or maintaining glasses or dealing with the hassle of putting in and removing contact lenses.

8.   Possible Need for Enhancements: In some cases, you may require additional procedures or enhancements to achieve the desired level of vision correction. This can happen if the initial LASIK procedure doesn’t fully correct the vision or if changes occur over time.

9.   Dry Eye Syndrome: Dry eyes are a common side effect of LASIK.  You may experience dryness, itching, or a foreign body sensation in their eyes after the procedure. These symptoms can be managed with artificial tears or other treatments.

10.   Corneal Flap Risks: LASIK involves creating a corneal flap to access the underlying tissue. While this flap is usually secure and heals well, there is a small risk of complications, such as flap dislocation, infection, or wrinkling. These risks are low but should be considered.

It is crucial to understand the 10 key aspects of LASIK. Equally important is consulting with an experienced eye care professional to evaluate your eligibility for the procedure, discuss potential risks or concerns, and make an informed decision. It’s possible that another procedure may be more suitable for you, or you may decide to stick with contacts and glasses.



Cataract Awareness Month

Cataract Awareness Month

Cataract Awareness Month is observed in June, aiming to raise awareness about cataracts and their impact on vision. Cataracts occur when the lens in the eye becomes clouded, leading to symptoms like blurred vision, sensitivity to glare, and difficulty seeing at night.

Understanding preventive measures is crucial in reducing the risk of developing cataracts:

  1. Regular eye exams: Scheduling routine eye examinations enables early detection of cataracts, facilitating timely treatment and improved visual outcomes.
  2. Sun protection: Shielding your eyes from harmful UV rays by wearing sunglasses that block 99 to 100 percent of UV radiation helps minimize cataract formation.
  3. Avoid smoking: Smoking has been linked to an increased risk of cataracts, emphasizing the importance of refraining from tobacco
  4. Healthy diet: Consuming a nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains supports overall eye health and helps protect against cataracts.

If diagnosed with cataracts, various treatment options are available, with cataract surgery being the most common and effective approach to restore vision.

Cataract surgery can be performed using two primary techniques: laser-assisted or traditional blade methods. Laser cataract surgery has gained popularity due to its perceived safety advantages, including easier removal of the cataract nucleus, treatment of astigmatism, and reduced risk of complications.

When considering cataract surgery, the size of the cataract is an important factor to consider. Generally, smaller cataracts are easier to remove and have a lower risk of complications. In some cases, individuals with smaller cataracts may choose to monitor their condition and delay surgery until it significantly affects daily activities like reading or driving.

However, if a cataract causes noticeable vision impairment, such as blurred vision, glare, or difficulty seeing at night, it may be advisable to proceed with surgery, even if the cataract is relatively small. Ultimately, the decision should be made in consultation with an eye care professional who can assess the specific circumstances and provide guidance on the most appropriate course of action.

There are various options for lens implants during cataract surgery. To determine the best choice for you, it is recommended to discuss with your eye doctor, taking into account your eye health and lifestyle goals.

Remember, cataracts are a treatable condition, and cataract surgery can significantly improve visual acuity and overall quality of life. If you have any concerns or questions regarding cataracts, consult with your doctor or ophthalmologist, who can offer personalized advice based on your individual situation.

More information about cataract surgery and lens implant options: www.erielasereye.com/home
