LASIK versus Laser Cataract Surgery

LASIK versus Laser Cataract Surgery

What is the difference between Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) and Laser Cataract Surgery? While both procedures improve and correct your vision in similar ways, they are surprisingly completely different. Both procedures can correct myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, but LASIK is corneal-based, and laser cataract surgery is lens-based.

LASIK vs. Laser Cataract Surgery: Understanding the Differences

Both LASIK and laser cataract surgery are laser-based procedures conducted under local anesthesia while you’re awake. Both procedures share quick completion times and minimal recovery requirements. However, their purposes and the conditions they address differ significantly.

Laser Cataract Surgery:

This procedure is recommended if you have cataracts whereby your eye’s natural lens has become clouded. Symptoms include blurred vision and difficulty reading. The process involves three main steps: preparation with eye drops and local anesthetic, removal of the cloudy lens, and replacement with an intraocular lens (IOL). This is performed with the precision of lasers. It’s important to note that laser cataract surgery also corrects astigmatism. The procedure is typically performed on one eye at a time.

LASIK Surgery:

Also known as Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, LASIK corrects myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and blurred vision by reshaping the cornea. It encompasses anesthetizing your eye with topical drops, creating a corneal flap with a femtosecond laser, reshaping the cornea using another laser, and replacing the corneal flap. LASIK is often performed on both of your eyes simultaneously.

When to Consider Each Procedure?

LASIK Surgery:

Consider LASIK if you’re experiencing myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, or blurred vision due to astigmatism, or if you desire reduced dependence on glasses or contact lenses.

Laser Cataract Surgery:

Consider this procedure if you experience symptoms such as clouded or blurred vision. You may also have difficulty seeing at night and sensitivity to light. Other symptoms of cataracts include needing bright light to read as well as halos around lights. Frequent changes in glasses prescription or fading/yellowing of colors can be symptoms of cataracts as well.

An eye exam with an eye doctor is important for accurate assessment and guidance. At Laser Eye Surgery of Erie, we can guide you as to the best course of treatment for your eyes.

Schedule Your Appointment with Laser Eye Surgery of Erie Today!

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Glaucoma Awareness Month

Glaucoma Awareness Month

A Closer Look at National Glaucoma Awareness Month: Don’t Let Silence Steal Your Sight

January marks National Glaucoma Awareness Month, a time dedicated to highlighting the importance of understanding and preventing glaucoma. Known as the “silent thief of sight,” glaucoma can silently damage your vision without showing early signs. However, by staying informed and taking proactive steps, you can safeguard your eyesight.

Understanding Glaucoma

Glaucoma affects the optic nerve in your eyes, which is responsible for sending visual information to your brain. A primary indicator of this condition is elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). If this pressure remains unchecked over time, it can lead to irreversible damage to the optic nerve, resulting in vision loss.

Who’s at Risk?

It’s essential to recognize that glaucoma isn’t a rare condition; more than 3 million Americans currently live with it. Some groups face a higher risk, including African Americans, Latinos, and individuals with a family history of the disease. Since glaucoma often starts without noticeable symptoms, regular eye exams are crucial. Detecting it early can make a significant difference in preserving your vision.

The Importance of Early Detection

This Glaucoma Awareness Month, make it a priority to schedule a comprehensive eye examination. At Laser Eye Surgery of Erie, we utilize advanced technology to conduct thorough screenings for early signs of glaucoma and other eye-related issues. Three essential tests help determine if you might have glaucoma: measuring intraocular pressure (IOP), evaluating the appearance of the optic nerve, and conducting a visual field test, which assesses your peripheral vision.

Meet Our Dedicated Team

At Laser Eye Surgery of Erie, Dr. Haverly and his skilled team are committed to promoting early detection to prevent vision loss from glaucoma. Their expertise ensures that you receive top-notch care and guidance in managing this condition.

Conclusion and Continued Care

As we observe Glaucoma Awareness Month, let’s deepen our understanding of this condition and its implications. Remember, maintaining good eye health extends beyond this month’s observance. Regular eye exams remain essential for detecting potential issues early on and preserving our invaluable gift of vision.

For Further Information:

Erie Laser Eye Glaucoma

The American Academy of Ophthalmology – glaucoma

The National Eye Institute – glaucoma

Consider LASIK For Your New Year’s Resolution

Consider LASIK For Your New Year’s Resolution

Start the New Year with Clear Vision: Consider LASIK For Your New Year’s Resolution

As the year draws to a close, many of us start reflecting on our past year and setting goals for the new year ahead. If you’ve ever considered improving your vision, now is the perfect time to make “clear vision” your top New Year’s resolution!  At Laser Eye Surgery of Erie, we understand that clear vision is more than just 20/20. It’s about having the freedom and confidence to live your life to the fullest, without the limitations of glasses or contacts. Are you tired of the hassle of daily lens care? Or do you simply want to embrace a more active lifestyle? LASIK correction can be the life-changing decision you’ve been waiting for.

Here are just a few reasons why you should consider laser vision correction as your New Year’s resolution:

  • Freedom from Glasses and Contacts: Imagine waking up every morning and seeing the world clearly without needing to put on glasses or contacts. Laser vision correction can reduce your dependence on corrective lenses, giving you the freedom and convenience you deserve.
  • Improved Quality of Life: Clear vision can significantly improve your quality of life. It can make it easier to participate in activities you enjoy, from sports and outdoor adventures to social gatherings and travel.
  • Enhanced Confidence: Feeling good about your appearance can boost your confidence and self-esteem. With clear vision, you can embrace the world with a newfound sense of assurance.
  • Long-Term Investment: Laser vision correction is a one-time investment that can save you money in the long run. You’ll no longer need to spend money on glasses, contacts, and lens care solutions.
  • Quick and Life Changing Procedure: Modern laser vision correction procedures, such as LASIK, are quick with a short recovery time. You can experience clearer vision in as little as 24 hours!

Laser Eye Surgery of Erie and Dr. Haverly: Your Partner in Clear Vision

At Laser Eye Surgery of Erie, we offer a personalized approach to laser vision correction, ensuring that you receive the best possible care and results. Dr. Haverly uses the latest technology and techniques to provide you with a safe and effective procedure.

Ready to Start Your Journey to Clear Vision?

Make this New Year’s resolution a reality! Schedule a free consultation at Laser Eye Surgery of Erie today to discover if laser vision correction is right for you. Our friendly staff will answer all your questions and help you determine the best course of treatment.

Start the new year with clear vision and a brighter future. Contact Laser Eye Surgery of Erie today and take the first step towards a life without limits!

Why You Need A Lens Implant (IOL) With Cataract Surgery

Why You Need A Lens Implant (IOL) With Cataract Surgery

Why You Need A Lens Implant (IOL) With Cataract Surgery

Understanding Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is a surgical procedure that involves removing the clouded natural lens in your eye.  The clouded lens in your eye still has an “optical power” to help focus light.  You need a replacement lens known as a lens implant (IOL) to replace the “optical power” of your eye.  The lens implant (IOL) helps your eye focus. Your lens implant (IOL) serves as a permanent replacement of your eye’s natural, clouded lens.   

What Is an Intraocular Lens (IOL)?

An intraocular lens (IOL) is a small, biocompatible artificial lens that is implanted into the eye during cataract surgery. The lens implants are usually made from acrylic plastic, but some are silicon or Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) material.  IOLs come in various sizes and types.  Each IOL is designed to address specific vision needs. The most common types of IOLs include:

Monofocal IOLs: Monofocal IOLs are designed to provide clear vision at a specific distance, usually for distance vision. If you choose a monofocal IOL you may still need glasses for tasks such as reading or close-up work.

Multifocal IOLs: Multifocal IOLs are engineered to provide clear vision at multiple distances, typically for both near and far vision. If you choose a multifocal IOL, you often experience a reduced dependence on glasses for everyday activities.

Toric IOLs: Toric IOLs are specifically designed to correct astigmatism in addition to correcting your vision. They can significantly improve both distance and astigmatic vision.

Why a Lens Implant Helps:

Improved Vision Clarity:  Replacing your cataract-affected lens with an IOL, gives you the opportunity to restore clear vision.

Enhanced Quality of Life: Clear vision is essential for a high quality of life. Cataract surgery with the appropriate IOL can help you see the world with better clarity.  This can make your daily activities like reading, driving, and recognizing faces easier and more enjoyable.

Reduced Dependency on Glasses: Depending on the type of IOL you choose, you can experience a significant reduction your dependence on eyeglasses or contact lenses. Multifocal and toric IOLs can provide you with excellent vision at various distances, reducing or eliminating the need for corrective eyewear.

Customized Solutions: IOLs can be tailored to your specific visual needs.  We work closely with you to select the IOL that best matches your unique requirements, whether you need correction for nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, or a combination of these issues.

Long-Lasting Results: Once an IOL is implanted, it becomes a permanent part of your eye and provides clear vision for the long term. This means that the benefits of cataract surgery extend well beyond the immediate post-operative period.


Cataract surgery with a lens implant (IOL) is an amazing procedure that can significantly improve your vision and quality of life. It is essential to work closely with us to select the right IOL for your individual needs. With the right choice, you can enjoy the clarity of vision, reduced dependence on glasses, and an improved quality of life. However, some of the lens implants (IOL) are not covered by health insurance.  You will need to pay out-of-pocket for certain types of lens implants (IOLs).   We can help you select the type of lens implant that suits both your needs and budget.

Spooky Eye Facts

Spooky Eye Facts

As Halloween approaches here are some spooky eye facts:


  • The Cornea Can survive without blood: The cornea, the outermost layer of the eye,  lacks blood vessels, receiving nutrients and oxygen directly from tears and aqueous humor.
  • The Blind Spot: Each eye has a blind spot where the optic nerve exits the retina. Your brain compensates for this blind spot by filling in the missing information, creating an illusion.
  • Phantom Limb Sensation: After losing an eye, some people experience “phantom eye” sensations, similar to the more commonly known “phantom limb” phenomenon in amputees.
  • Visual Snow: Some people have a condition called “visual snow,” where they see what looks like visual noise superimposed over their normal vision, making for a spooky and unsettling experience.

More Spooky Eye Facts!


  • Optic Illusions: Optical illusions like the “hollow mask illusion” can make a concave object (like the inside of a mask) appear convex and spooky.
  • Brain Tumors:  Brain tumors can cause unsettling visual hallucinations.  This is called Charles Bonnet Syndrome.
  • Red-Eye Effect: The red-eye effect in photos occurs when the flash reflects off the blood vessels in the retina, giving a creepy, glowing appearance to the eyes.
  • Mirror Gazing: Staring into a mirror in a dimly lit room might reveal spooky or supernatural phenomena, leading to the creation of the Bloody Mary legend.
  • Parasitic Eye Worms: Certain parasitic worms can infect the human eye, leading to visual disturbances and discomfort. A horrifying thought, even if it’s relatively rare.
  • Ghost Images: The “Palinopsia” phenomenon can make previously seen images linger in your vision, creating ghostly and unsettling visuals.
  • Heterochromia: Heterochromia is a condition where a person’s eyes are different colors, which can be striking and eerie.

These spooky aspects of the human eye can certainly make it a subject of fascination and sometimes even fear. 
