what is refractive surgery co-management?

Refractive Surgery Co-Management is a helpful and essential service that optometrists provide after your LASIK/PRK surgery. Laser Eye Surgery of Erie works together with partnering optometrists to make sure that you receive comprehensive instructions and information about LASIK, as well as first-rate eye care when patients need it.

Dr. Haverly believes that although patients come to our office for their consultation, pre-operative evaluation and surgery, local optometrists should continue to be their primary eye care provider. This shared commitment ensures that patients will receive the highest quality procedure using the most advanced technology, clearer vision, as well as a lifetime of premium post-operative care by your optometrist. This formula for success is what co-management partnership is all about!

Laser eye surgery of erie

More information on Co-Management

The FREE consultation takes place at Laser Eye Surgery of Erie location where patients will meet with the Refractive Surgery Coordinator who will explain the surgery to you, with a full discussion of the benefits and risks. We invite you to ask all your questions, and we’ll answer them patiently. Baseline testing will be completed to determine candidacy for LASIK/PRK.

Our Co-Management Process:

The pre-operative evaluation is the next step following the consult, once the patient has decided to move forward with the procedure. The pre-operative evaluation will be a full comprehensive eye exam. During which we will assess your corneal thickness and curvature, tear film, vision prescription, and the structure of your eyelids. If the results determine that you are a good candidate for LASIK/PRK, you will be cleared for surgery. During the pre-operative evaluation, we will also provide clear instructions for the day of your LASIK/PRK procedure, tell you what to expect, and explain the healing process.Most patients will need to visit our Laser Eye Surgery of Erie location to be released from care the day following the procedure. PRK patients will have additional visits, prior to being released. We will check to make sure that your eyes are healing properly. After the post-op eye exam, you may return to one of Laser Eye Surgery’s partnering optometrists for all remaining post-operative visits over the next few weeks and months. A predetermined co-management fee will apply.

Why Co-Management?

There are numerous benefits to co-management. The convenience of all of your appointments will be held at an optometrist that is convenient, so patients will not need to travel far. Continued personalized eye care from an experienced and compassionate eye doctor who knows you and is familiar with your eye health and history.

Co-Management can help transform your whole experience of refractive surgery into a smooth process. From deciding whether or not to have the procedure to providing medical care while your eyes heal, Laser Eye Surgery of Erie, will guide you through every step, from start to finish.